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Refraktor. Rekesznyílás: 130 mm. Fókusztávolság: 910 mm

Optikai kialakítás
Rekesznyílás – a fénygyűjtő lencsék vagy tükör átmérője, amelyet a távcső a fény gyűjtésére használ
Fókusztávolság – az elsődleges lencse vagy tükör távolsága attól a ponttól, amelyre a fény fókuszál

Termékazonosító 75957
Márka LUNT Solar Systems
Szavatosság 2 év
EAN 4007922062624
A csomag méretei (HxSzxM): 103x54x47 cm
Szállítási súly 30 kg

The LS130MT is a triplet ED apochromatic refractor with modular design! The telescope can also be used for night sky observations, and with the optional available accessories also for observing the sun in the Ca-K wavelength and in white light!

The LS130MT/B1800 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha light, with 130mm free aperture (no central obstruction) and 910mm focal length. The higher resolution compared to telescopes with smaller aperture allows the observer to dive into the fine details and surface phenomena of our ever-changing Sun. The higher resolution allows higher magnifications, bringing the fine details of the Sun to life in the eyepiece or on the screen.

An internal Etalon filter with the innovative air pressure tuning system Pressure Tuner achieves a bandwidth of <0.7 Angstroms. The tuning is done by slightly changing the air pressure in a pressure chamber inside the telescope. This changes the refractive index of the air, making it easy to adjust to the H-alpha line. The pressure tuner guarantees an homogeneous image without central obstruction and a permanently protected etalon without wear. A set of collimating lenses installed in the telescope ensures best performance.

Fine adjustment is achieved by a 2" Starlight-Instruments Feather-Touch focuser with 1.5" travel and 10:1 reduction.

Blocking-filter is the B1800. The B1800 is good for visual solar observing and also for solar imaging by cameras with small to large CCD chip. We recommend a LS130MT with B3400 blocking-filter by using cameras with very large sized CCD chips. The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25" eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.

Also the LS130MT telescope is upgradeable with the additional available DSII double-stack system. The optional DSII system is a internal double stack module with Pressure Tuner, that provides a bandwidth <0.5 Angstrom. More details on the solar surface will become visible by reducing the bandwidth.

Modular design:

  • The H-Alpha Etalon system can be easily removed from the telescope. The 3-lens ED apochromat can be used as a normal telescope for observation and imaging of the night sky.
  • Also available is a Ca-K module specially developed for the LS130MT. This also allows to observe the sun in the blue calcium wavelength.
  • A Herschel-wedge can also be used for observing the sun in white light.
  • This makes the LS130MT a completely universal usable telescope!


  • Triplet ED apochromatic refractor, FPL-51
  • Aperture: 130mm (no central obstruction)
  • Focal length: 910mm
  • Bandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 Angstrom
  • Tuning: air-pressure tuning system
  • Blocking-filter: B1800 with 1.25" and T2 connection
  • Focuser: Starlight Instruments Feather Touch focuser with 10:1 reduction
  • Two tube rings with carrying handle
  • Dove tail bar with GP level for astronomical mounts

The kit includes:

  • LS130MT multipurpose telescope
  • Pressure Tuner system
  • B1800 blocking-filter in star diagonal
  • 2" Feather Touch focuser
  • Tube extension for using without H-alpha Etalon
  • Tube rings with dove tail bar
  • Transport case
  • Instruction manual
Termékazonosító 75957
Márka LUNT Solar Systems
Szavatosság 2 év
EAN 4007922062624
A csomag méretei (HxSzxM): 103x54x47 cm
Szállítási súly 30 kg
Optikai kialakítás refraktor
Optikai rendszer apokromát
Objektívlencse átmérője (rekesznyílás), mm 130
Fókusztávolság, mm 910
Rekesznyílás f/7
Szemlencsetubus átmérője, hüvelyk 1,25
Sávszélesség, angstrom <0.7
Megfigyelt objektum a Naprendszer bolygói és mélyég-objektumok
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