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Maksutov reflector. Aperture: 80mm. Focal length: 900mm

Optikai kialakítás
Rekesznyílás – a fénygyűjtő lencsék vagy tükör átmérője, amelyet a távcső a fény gyűjtésére használ
Fókusztávolság – az elsődleges lencse vagy tükör távolsága attól a ponttól, amelyre a fény fókuszál

Termékazonosító 73105
Márka Omegon
Szavatosság 2 év
EAN 2400000036807
A csomag méretei (HxSzxM): 15x36x19 cm
Szállítási súly 1.993 kg

Omegon MightyMak - an elegant Maksutov for both astronomy and nature

For if you want to observe the Moon and planets, but also the landscape, trees and animals. The Omegon MightyMak is a compact 'niversal talent' that you can easily use for almost all types of observing and photography. Its compact length means it will fit into almost any bag. The MightyMak is the right telescope if you love observing both the stars and nature.

Omegon MightyMak: An elegant Maksutov telescope for astronomy and nature-watching

Do you want to be able to observe the Moon and planets but also landscape, trees and animals? The Omegon MightyMak is a compact all-rounder that is easy to use for almost all types of observing and for photography. Its compact length means it fits in virtually any bag. The MightyMak is the right telescope if you love both - the stars and nature.

The advantages in a nutshell:

  • Compact telescope with upright image for stars and nature
  • Coated front lens element minimizes reflections
  • Elegant design - glossy black with gold strips
  • T-2 thread with buffer ring for an exact fit with your camera
  • Finder shoe for connecting the finder
  • GP prism rail - fits tripod and all mounts with a GP profile
  • Get started immediately - table-top tripod, 1 eyepiece and bag included

Multiple observing possibilities - at home and in the universe

It makes no difference to this Maksutov telescope whether you have a deer on the edge of a forest or a planet in its sights. You will discover, for example, the large moons and cloud bands on Jupiter. Saturn displays its huge majestic rings. You will also benefit from particularly sharp images with plenty of contrast due to the built-in coated Maksutov lens.

Bring the distant close - a telephoto lens for your camera

A T-2 thread lets you easily use the MightyMak as a telephoto lens. An additional T-Ring lets you connect your camera and shoot images at a long focal length. The buffer ring also ensures smooth docking to the telescope.

A bright images and large field of view

The MightyMak is a reflector telescope employing the Maksutov design. This telescope has a slightly shorter focal length as compared with models from other manufacturers. This has a positive effect, with a brighter image and a larger field of view.

Locating the goal - a shoe for your finder scope

The standard finder shoe provided will accept the most popular finder scopes - so you can decide yourself whether you prefer to use a red dot finder or an optical finder.

Prism rail for tripods and mounts

The prism rail provided lets you attach your telescope to any astronomical mount with a GP profile, which has become the standard fitting. Three 0.25" photo-threads make mounting onto a tripod a piece of cake.

Gentle clamping for 1.25" eyepieces

A 1.25” connection lets you attach any 1.25" eyepiece, even when from a different manufacturer. Your observing ultimately depends on using the correct magnification and having a comfortable viewing angle. A compression ring ensures that your eyepieces are firmly but gently held in place.

A package for getting started

With the Omegon MightyMak you also get a table-top tripod and an eyepiece - all together in a bag. So you can easily take everything with you anywhere - on a plane trip, on an excursion with a light rucksack or simply in your own garden for a trip to the Moon and planets.

Termékazonosító 73105
Márka Omegon
Szavatosság 2 év
EAN 2400000036807
A csomag méretei (HxSzxM): 15x36x19 cm
Szállítási súly 1.993 kg
Optikai kialakítás reflektor
Optikai rendszer Maksutov-Cassegrain
Objektívlencse átmérője (rekesznyílás), mm 80
Fókusztávolság, mm 900
Legnagyobb gyakorlati nagyítás, x 160
Rekesznyílás f/11.3
Felbontási küszöbérték, ívmásodperc 1.7
Határmagnitúdó 11.8
Szemlencsetubus átmérője, hüvelyk 1,25
Fókusz-állító 1,25"
Állvány alt-azimut
Felhasználói szint gyerekeknek, kezdők
Megfigyelt objektum a Naprendszer bolygói, földi objektumok
Szemlencsék 25x
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